1. How do I book? 如何報堂?
你可於線上系統輕鬆預訂並支付課程費用。 預約課堂請按此。 由於課堂空間有限,請務必提前預約。
You can easily book and pay for your class at our online system. Details please refer to here. Please always book ahead as class spaces are limited and we’d hate to have to turn you away.
2. Class Price 課堂價錢
現時試堂優惠 (包括所有空中及地面課程) 為$155/堂, $405/3堂。可選擇不同課程,詳情及試堂其後收費請按此。
The current trial class discount (including all aerial and mat classes) is $155/class, $405/ 3 classes. For 3 classes trial, you can select different class types. Each person can try up to 3 classes. Please click here for more details and package price.
3. Studio Location 課室地點
4. Studio Opening Hour 課室開放時間
課室會於上課時間前15分鐘開放。課室內不設等候區,亦有機會課室內正在上課中,建議同學於上課前5 - 10分鐘到達,以免等候時間過長。如需更衣,可到課室外的洗手間更衣。
Studio will open 15 minutes before class. There is no waiting area outside the studio, and there might be a class before your class. It is recommended that students arrive 5 - 10 minutes before the class to avoid long waiting time. If you need to change your clothes, you can go to the bathroom outside the studio.
5. Studio Facilities and Tools 課室設備及用具
進入課室前請先除鞋,然後可把鞋放置於鞋架上, 保持地面清潔。課室內有3個更衣位置,如避免等候亦可於洗手間更衣。洗手間位於課室外,須先取鎖匙。
Please take off your shoes before entering the studio and put it on the shoe rack to keep the floor clean. There are 3 changing rooms inside the studio. But you can also change your clothes in the bathroom. The bathroom is located outside the studio and require a key.
The studio provides yoga mats, yoga blocks, kneeling mats and straps. Cleaning supplies are also provided for students to clean the mat and props. Students are also welcome to bring their own yoga mats and yoga towels.
6. What should I prepare before class? 上課前有甚麼要準備?
請穿著或帶備合適運動服,例如運動leggings或其他貼身運動服。課堂前一小時儘量不要吃得太多或只吃輕食。於上課前,請先到此填寫免責聲明表格,否則Urban Yoga有權拒絕學生參加課堂。任何受傷/傷患,請於上課前告知老師。
Comfortable stretchy clothing such as leggings or any usual fitness wear – nothing too baggy. Try not to eat too much or only light meals one hour before class. Before joining the class, please go here to fill in the disclaimer form, otherwise Urban Yoga has the right to refuse students to participate in the class. Please inform the teacher before class if you have any injuries.
7. Are the classes suitable for beginners? 新手或筋好硬可以上堂嗎?
每人天生的柔軟程度因人而異,而瑜伽可以幫助提升柔軟度。所以並不是因為柔軟先去練瑜伽,而正正係因為身體不柔軟所以想透過瑜伽改善此問題。 而於課堂中瑜伽老師會因應不同同學的程度提供協助及指導,只要做到自己範圍內可在到的動作便可以,不用與別人比較。
Everyone's flexibility is different, and yoga can help improve it. So we do not practice yoga because we are flexible, but because we want to improve our flexibility through yoga. In our classes, our teacher will provide assistance and guidance according to different student levels. You only have to do what you can do in your own range and no need to compare with others.
8. Am I too old to do yoga? 年紀大都可以做瑜伽嗎?
隨著年齡的增長,瑜伽愈對你有益。可以有助於保持平衡,柔軟度和平靜的心境。 課堂導師會調整每個姿勢以符合你的水平,並隨著時間慢慢練習不同程度的式子。
Yoga becomes more beneficial as we age, aiding balance, stiffness and mindfulness. Our teacher can adapt each pose to suit your level and gradually grow with practice.
9. Should you not do yoga on your period? 月經期間都可以做瑜伽嗎?
每個人的體質不一樣,月經期間的反應也不一樣。如果你於月經期間沒有特別不適, 其實可以照常進行練習,更可促進血液循環,調整身心。反而如果你是嚴重經痛者,於身體虛弱情況下可讓多身體休息。
If you are not particularly uncomfortable during menstruation, you can practice as usual, which can also increase blood circulation and ease your mind & body. On the contrary, if you have severe menstrual cramps, you should rest more.
10. How to choose a class? 應如何選擇課堂?
可按此根據自己的喜好及需要選擇課堂。Please click here to choose the class based on your condition.
11. Cancellation of class 更改或取消課程
如果你已在線上系統購買套票,可在課堂開始前48小時於系統取消課程,課程credit不會被扣除。 於48小時內,如果你臨時取消或缺席課程,除非有當天或翌日之醫生紙證明 (需要2天內補回) ,否則我們將無法退回課程credit。 學生有責任通過預訂系統在線取消課程預訂。 Urban Yoga是一間小型瑜伽教室,而且堅持小班教學,所以每位學生的出席對我們都很重要,希望你可以明白。
Trial class booking subject to payment confirmation, and it cannot be changed after confirmation.
We run a strict 48 hour cancellation notice and no-show policy. If you have purchased a class package on system you can cancel your class with at least 48 hours notice and the class credit will be added back to your account. After this, if you do not attend the class we are unable to refund the credit. Students are responsible for cancelling their class booking online via the booking system. Urban Yoga is a small studio with limited spaces and so every mat counts. We hope you understand.
12. General Terms 條款及細則
For terms and conditions, please click here for details.
13. Bad weather policy 惡劣天氣課程安排
如上課前2小時, 八號風球(或以上)仍然懸掛或黑色暴雨警告訊號仍然生效則會停課。已預約的課堂自動取消。